Thursday, January 28, 2010

Messages from Demeter & Persephone

In the workshop I'm conducting I'd decided that I would go ahead with having Demeter & Persephone first. In my intention it had figured slightly into the fact of the time of year it was (Winter around the solstice) but also the fact that They deal with initiation according the book we're working with. I also knew for a fact that "mother" issues (either ones concerning your own, or being one) are some of the themes in the lives of the women involved in this workshop.

Even before working with Them I have received messages from them. I attended a sweat lodge earlier in the month and had a dream a couple of days after wherein a pomegranate figured strongly (Persephone). I have had several references of messages from dreams and an intuitive friend of mine about my mother (Demeter). I was in the shower performing a cleansing to help with the "funk" I've been stuck in and out of lately and received a message from them both. They basically showed me how I was "stuck" between the roles of Maiden and Mother and that figured in to some of the confusion and lack of drive/turmoil I've been experiencing. And in my tarot class last night that was coming to an end, I receive a message from Persephone again.

What does this all mean? That I'm ready to work with them for one - so I will be pushing the workshop forward for one, but also it places me directly on the path that I should be. Now is the time for me to work with and honor these energies so that I can learn and grow from them. Funny how these things all work out isn't it.

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I like to look up at the moon in the sky.