Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Thoughts on the Muses...

This post is a little late in coming, but better late than never!

I'm finally finishing up the reading for The Muses (I am SO behind!!!) and just read through the symbols of the Muses.  I can agree with the individual representations of them, but was pleasantly surprised to see a general representation for them altogether - the fountain - and it's definitely something I will want to look into getting for my personal altar space.  IN fact, I believe that making and keeping an altar to Them at all times with a fountain and examples of artistic renditions of the individual symbols in my "art space" would be a very good idea.

As I read the suggestions on invoking The Muses I was heart warmed to think of the proliferation of devotion to them through the use of making things for the home life yourself.  It very much is something that I myself really want to do and think is something we as people should reclaim.  There is a certain pride and joy to be in making something yourself, particularly something that is useful.  Or even at least supporting your local artists and small businesses by purchasing handmade objects.  I think that though industrialization has allowed for things to be more economically available and in greater quantity it has also caused the artist to be lost from the art - which is sad.

With the weather turning much nicer outside I think now is also a great time to explore a connection with The Muses in Their most original form and is something I will take advantage of.  Being pregnant and having no car has me cooped up in the house almost all of the time and lately the lack of exposure to anything but four walls has had me depressed and dour.  However I believe that in being able to honor my art and connect with divinity and Nature outside will do me a great deal of good.  So I plan to do some (as much as possible and as often as possible) of my creative work outside in the yard...perhaps even take up sketching again!

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I like to look up at the moon in the sky.