Sunday, November 27, 2011

Musing on Kali

I'm interested immediately to read the wonderful invocations to Maa, but also to see the additional versions of myths involving Her too.  The one I am familiar with has Her saving a town/city from the demon Raktabija and his army.  All of the gods failed to defeat him partially because of the nature of his army, each time one demon was slain their blood hit the ground and 100/1000 more sprang up.  From Durga's third eye leapt out the newly born goddess Kali (part of why She was naked) and She took up weapons and defeated the demon army by decapitating them and drinking their blood (why Her tongue is out of Her mouth).  In one of Her hands She holds his head with a cup or bowl catching the blood.

Continuing my reading it seems either I am familiar with another myth or with a combination of myths for there is mention of Her wild, frenzied dance with Shiva wherein She almost kills Him.

I had heard of Her association with the Thuggees, and briefly at once about cemeteries as well.  I was aware that Calcutta was Her city (and this is partially why I would like to visit it).

I am part of an online group - Daughter of Kali - and I think I would like to participate in puja from now own, at least to Her.

I think a good way to work with Her would be through dance obviously - especially ecstatic dance - and through training with martial arts and weaponry as a meditative practice (defense rather than offense).

It was interesting to learn the meaning of some of Her symbols, particularly the colors.

I think making a pledge for the two weeks we were to work with Her to do my dancing exercise would be a good way to connect with Her, as well as working on a Kali inspired bellydance costume (or one like those worn in India).

Looking at Her relation to time is definitely an interesting meditative practice.  While I was vaguely aware of it I never really thought of it.  I think incorporating that into my practice will be important too.

Goddess Week 17-18: Kali

I'm really eager to do the reading for Maa as She is one of my patron goddesses.  That being said you would think that I would know tons about Her but that really isn't the case.  I know Her story, some of what She represents and own a statue, tapestry, and a Kali Yantra.  I also plan to have Her tattooed on my left arm, in the center on the inside of my elbow - fun fun!

I see her (at this moment) as the dissolver of illusion.  She is powerful and not to be trifled with.  She represents the frenzied state in victory and dance, which can easily lead to excess (like The Maenads).  She is the Dark Mother, though She has no biological children, She is mother to us all.  She helps us learn the hard lessons, and Her way is not the "easy" path - however it is very rewarding.

I'm looking forward to what else I will learn about Her and what teachings She brings.

Catching Up...

I have spent a lot of time putting off doing my reading much less thinking about it than I have even trying to read. I have let life personally get in the way and become "too busy" to pay much attention to my spiritual life unfortunately.  Rather than trying to go back and pick up just where I left off I'm going to backwards from the point we are at now and catch up that way.

Also due to the large amount of procrastination I've done I have noted that the workshop will not be finishing in the calendar year.  I need to figure out how long each part needs total so I have a time to ideally start the run for 2012.  I also want to work the bugs out and have paying participants this time and make sure that I can get copies of the book out to everyone rather than emailing so many scans.

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I like to look up at the moon in the sky.