Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some Other Reflections...

While I will be referencing several books that are dedicated to the Goddess in all of Her forms, I will also be taking from my purely personal experience as a follower of the Goddess.

I have always held a personal trinity that I have called on in need:

Hekate, Kali Ma, Cerridwen

I have worked the most with the former two, being of the stages of life that I am at (being a young woman - Maiden, and becoming a step-mother - Mother). Life has been tumultuous because the very nature of these goddesses is not of "light and roses", but it is by the thorns that we learn and grow as well as the sweet and the honey.

Light pours through Her eyes and She reveals to me,
the Truth of Eternity and the Grace of Ages.
She is the All and encompassing, leading me down my Path, winding in its way.
To great opportunity and destiny. She is the Goddess, She is me.

As I can once recall, I first called out to Hekate in a time of dire need. I felt that I was alone in darkness and needed desperately to find my way out. I literally cried out and She answered me. I was astounded and couldn't believe it. She held out Her lantern to me and extinguished it. She has taught me to see in the darkness and to be able to return to the light. For what are shadows then the contrast? They harbor no evil, merely the unknown.

Kali Ma has been with me, teaching me the hardships of motherhood, for the last 2 years. I had called on Her before to help me in my grieving and when I felt I needed a mother. I did a meditation with Her once and felt my kundalini surge up and I could see Her energy within me, dancing wildly and ecstatically. It was one of the most fantastic experiences of my life. Since I became a step-mother She has sought to teach me some of the harder and sometimes less than pleasant lessons. I can see this especially in the fact that my step-son has "mother" issues (as do I) and so dealing with them and him can be quite a task.

As a Cancer, I also seek to "mother" those around me, but often neglect myself. This can be seen in the archetype of the "martyr" and is one of the unhealthy manifestations of the Mother. But as with all things, there is a lesson to be learned.

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I like to look up at the moon in the sky.