Sunday, March 20, 2011

Musing on the Muses

I must say my first thoughts when I read the hymn to the Muses was laughter, for in my preliminary post I mentioned the influence of my Muse being like a madness at times as it interrupts life sometimes and what I have planned.  I frequently refer to my Muse rather than the Muses as a whole but it was interesting to see that even in  other references Their number is not static.  To me, as an artist, this does make sense.  For to be inspired easily means many things and that is Their function, and even when divided into nine many things overlap.  There are several of the Muses devoted to writing in different forms, but most artistic pursuits are varied in the way they are expressed.

It's also interesting to note that the Muses primarily deal with writing, singing, and dancing - but there is far more to art than just those things.  As there is music, painting, and many others.  So then that makes me wonder how those things fit in with the Muses if they are nine.  Then there is the reference to the Muses as three, which I found very interesting and more applicable to what we generally think of Them as today - an inspiratory force.

I learned that Apollo is considered the god of inspiration, and while I was aware of His role as a creative force and His involvement (along with a handful of other deities) with the arts I didn't know He held any sway over them.  For me I have always considered the Muses as nine and not so much servants but set aside from the rest of the pantheon - like the nymphs and "lesser" gods.

Understanding etymology I still found it interesting that we have so many words today that reference the Muses without us really being aware of it.

Lastly, I thought the original function of the Muses - to act through nature and wild places to inspire, rather than to create something new and unique as is thought of today - very interesting.  I myself often find things I wish to create in another form, or feel inspired to do something.  As the saying goes, "There are no new ideas."  And I agree, it's just reviving them a little bit, sometimes mish-mashing many together...

Goddess Week 3-4: The Muses

Some initial thoughts on these goddesses...

I've always been drawn to Them and appreciated Them.  When I was but a girl I had a serious fascination for Greek (and sometimes Roman) mythology and always loved learning about many of the "non-Olympians" and demi-gods/"lesser" gods (not to imply that they are less powerful but they rule over more specific areas or are the children of "larger" deities, or merely not worshiped "across the board").

No Muse in particular spoke to me, though I always loved the Muse of Dance, History, and Astronomy.  A number of them deal with poetry in various form be is song, lyric, or love, but as a writer I felt all of their presences in some form here or there.

I'm seriously hoping that in working with them I'll get some more of my inspiration back - but more importantly motivation to use said inspiration.  Many times as an artist I will get ridiculously inspired - to the point of madness almost - where I interrupt my routines/schedule because I must put whatever to paper, or whatever medium it is.  To be honest it can be very trying because I will literally drop everything to start yet another project, but I think the key to this is moderation.  I just don't want to shunt my creativity!

Questions & Activities for Amaterasu

    1.  Imagine your life as a house.  What room in the house - in other words, what aspect of your life - seems messy and disordered?  Has it been this way long?  What have you done to bring order to it?

    Honestly, right now the "whole house" seems a mess.  It's not beyond repair or overbearing, but there seems to be "general clutter" in regards to many aspect of my life as I try to get them straightened out.  It seems that daily maintenance (getting something done in these areas little bit by bit every day) sort of helps, but really I'd love to "power clean" - even though I know that wouldn't help in the long run!

      2.  Examine your actual home.  Which rooms are messy, which ones are clean?  What feelings and activities do you associate with the different rooms?  Does your house indicate areas in your life that are not in balance?

        Right now the "messiest" area is my work area - eg the desk.  It's cleaner than it has been but I've had several days of "I don't feel like maintaining squat!" lately which has caused a general halt on anything productive!  The rest of the apartment is fairly orderly, mostly from me getting the basics straight and maintaining.  The other part of the apartment that gets piled up is another work area - the coffee table - which often gets piled over with projects.

        3.  Make a list of words you associate with "order".  What does this list tell you about yourself and your attitudes?


        Order is something that "ought" to be part of one's life for successful ventures.

          4.  Examine your schedule.  Are there areas of stress in terms of your use of time?  Are there 
          ways you can relieve this stress?

          I feel "behind" a lot in terms of my schedule when it comes to projects.  I know part of this stems from lack of good time management and unrealistic expectations.  I do a lot of artwork that just take a lot of hours in which to make progress, so expecting to finish it in less time than it really needs is ridiculous.  I also seem to inundate myself with "stuff" to do even when I really don't have to!  I need to learn to prioritize my time and resources better, to say "no" when something is too much and to understand what I really do have time for.

            5.  Describe your perfect home.  Compare it to your real home.  What is the difference?  Can you make your home more graceful and comfortable by  incorporating some ideas from your perfect home?

            It's clean and orderly.  I have an art room/area where I can store my business things and keep them there so they don't litter the house.  I have a healing room solely dedicated to that for similar reasons.  My bedroom is a peaceful sanctuary.  Decor / color changes from room to room but suits the purpose of the room - the bathroom is full of bright colors to help energize and awaken, the bedroom & living room are in more muted tones, the kitchen in red/black/gray/chrome/white.  In my perfect home I have space for everything and furniture.  There is an office area in the living room space and bookshelves.  We also have closets!

            Where I live now there is virtually no space and it feels "cramped" having everything in in such a small area.  Things seem cluttered when they're really not and stuff seems to pile up even quicker!  It makes cleansing daily a necessary practice.

              6.  Describe your perfect day.  Compare it to a real day in your life.  What is the difference?  How can you make your daily life more resemble your ideal?

              I wake up early and get everything on all of my routines for home & work done.  I accomplish all of my tasks and have plenty of "down time".

              In real life I struggle to stay motivated a lot of the time and can get wrapped up in just doing my routine or just doing my "to do" for the day.

              I'm not sure what to do about the motivation as it's always been an issue.  But proper management of time and setting moderation/limits up would make a difference.

                7.  Make a list of people who have annoyed you recently.  Taking them one at a time, try to see the situation you encountered from their point of view.  Are there things you are doing that make your life less easy with them?

                Heather, Skylar, Lori, Angelo, Ryan, Krystal.

                I need to learn to let go more of "small things".  Accept other people's opinions as just that and nothing more and release personal attachment to how they may make me feel.

                  8.  Select someone who makes you feel agitated, to whom you response with fear or anxiety.  Make a list of their character traits.  Imagine yourself acting out those traits.  What keeps you from being like them?  Are there unexpressed parts of yourself that they allow themselves to embody?

                  Lori:  flaky, inconsiderate, shallow, forgetful, undisciplined.

                  I am forgetful but try to not be so in regards to my dealings with other people.  Otherwise I was raised with a sense of structure and therefore value discipline.  I consider myself to be a "deeper" person and have the ability to see beyond face value with both situations and people, I scrutinize and observe a lot so don't think flaky or shallowness are in my personality at all.  I always try to be considerate of others because I've had people disregard my own feelings so much, I don't want to be like them.

                    9.  Do you have any self-destructive habits, habits that do not bring you closer to the life you desire?  How can you begin to eliminate these habits?

                    My anger can still get the better of me.  Mostly as an initial reaction, but some people repeatedly rub me the wrong way and it's hard to just "let go" when I know they've done it before and will do it again.  Doing Reiki, my chakra meditations, and the ECF often I believe help, just have to DO those things.

                      10.  When you dream, what villains appear?  What qualities do these villains share?  How can you begin to accept that their energy is part of you?

                      My ex.  He's always chasing or stalking me when he's appeared.  I know that I needlessly think about him more than I need to.  I feel I just need time for him no longer to be an issue.  I did do a release ceremony tonight to help, as well as doing Reiki and ECF often.

                      Friday, March 18, 2011

                      Amaterasu - My Thoughts

                      Working with this goddess has been interesting.  During the two weeks that we had with Her I didn't ever really feel connected to Her, but I did appreciate Her symbolism in dealing with Clarity.  I had a few moments in which I asked Her for Her help and felt that I received it in various ways but they were nothing earth shatteringly profound.  I almost felt that Her influence in my life was muted, as if veiled.

                      Not being a "mirror" person I felt disconnect with Her on this point.  I associate mirrors with vanity and that isn't something positive to me.  While Her myth does touch on the vanity that is typically associated of deities in general it is is not overpowering.

                      About Me

                      My photo
                      I like to look up at the moon in the sky.