Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Thoughts on Demeter & Persephone...

Some other interesting things that have come to mind while sharing my thoughts on this particular path in the Goddess Workshop.

Perhaps part of an initiation would be changing one's diet, particularly to a green diet or a raw food diet to aid in the cleansing process.

Starting a compost pile in your yard (if you have one), preparing for the spring by making plans for a garden (all natural - no pesticides).

Making other efforts to go green - by recycling, reusing, upcycling, donating old but usable items for those in need, picking up litter in your neighborhood.

Volunteering at some place that supports green practices or recycling.

Making an effort to buy green only - really take into account what you're bringing into your home and exposing yourself and your family to.

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I like to look up at the moon in the sky.